Student Handbook

The 2024-25 Guilford College Student Handbook presents an overview of how Guilford operates and summarizes the rights and responsibilities that govern student life at Guilford.
As members of this community, all students must read, understand and observe the academic, residential and College regulations described and referenced in this document. Students are responsible for complying with all policies outlined in the Handbook and the academic policies and procedures as outlined in the Guilford College Catalog available on the website at
Responsibility for the Guilford College Student Handbook rests with the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Any student, faculty member or administrator may propose changes in the College regulations contained in this handbook by submitting their recommendations to the Guilford Student Body Association and the Dean of Students. A group of staff, faculty and students will regularly review proposed changes. The Dean of Students, in consultation with students at the College, shall prepare the Guilford College Student Handbook. It shall be the responsibility of the Student Affairs division to give continuous attention to the Guilford College Student Handbook so that it reflects applicable policies and procedures and to propose appropriate changes.
This edition is being distributed to the Guilford community at the beginning of the College’s 187th academic year in August of 2024.