Governing Organizations

Board of Trustees

Guilford College’s Board of Trustees is the governing body exercising ultimate institutional authority as set out in the Bylaws of Guilford College. This authority, upon the recommendation of the president of the College, includes:

  • determining and periodically reviewing the College’s mission;
  • monitoring the College’s financial condition and approving the annual budget, tuition and fees;
  • approving institutional policies bearing on faculty appointment, promotion, tenure and dismissal;
  • reviewing and approving proposed substantive changes in degree programs;
  • approving degrees as recommended by the faculty; and
  • authorizing the construction of new buildings, the major renovation existing buildings and the purchase or sale of land.

The board’s authority and responsibilities also include participating actively in strategies to secure sources of support, contributing to fundraising goals, appointing the president and annually assessing the president’s performance.


The president serves at the pleasure of the board for such term, compensation and with such other terms of employment as the board shall determine. The president shall be the College's chief executive officer as detailed in the College's organizational chart. The president's authority is vested through the board and includes responsibilities for all College educational and managerial affairs. Administration of the College shall be delegated to the president of the College and through the president to other administrative officers who shall have authority to make and enforce all necessary regulations for the internal governance of the institution and shall direct and be responsible for the use of its facilities and equipment.

Students' Role in College Governance

One of Guilford's most distinctive characteristics is its commitment to student participation in institutional decision-making . Consistent with its Quaker heritage , the College conducts its business based on the premise that all voices have value and worth in the search for truth. As a result, students have representation on all institutional, administrative, faculty and board level committees except those dealing with confidential personnel and/or student matters. By virtue of this involvement, students are able to examine and strengthen their own values while striving with others to improve the common good. This does not always mean that each student concern or idea is automatically incorporated but it does mean that student voice is important in College governance.

Guilford Student Body Association (GSBA)

The foundation of student government at Guilford College is a representative Guilford Student Body Association. This organization, within the policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, derives authority from the Dean of Students. Its primary function is to govern and serve as the voice of the whole student body. The leadership selects students to serve on College and Board of Trustees committees to ensure student representation. GSBA is also responsible for the disbursement of student activity fees and recommendations regarding the campus student conduct system at the authorization of the  Dean of Students of the College. The GSBA executive board is elected annually during the prior Spring. Meetings are open to all community members. Students are encouraged to bring issues, concerns and questions regarding campus life to GSBA for discussion and action. GSBA proposals for College policy change are referred to the Director of Student Leadership and Engagement who forwards them to the appropriate campus administrator for consideration and possible implementation.