III. Resources Tools

i. Advising Worksheet

Below is an Advising Appointment Worksheet you can use with students during registration appointments (or to give a student to fill out before your meeting). The worksheet provides a space to plan out 14-week and 3 week courses for the Spring registration period; helps map what requirements the courses may be fulfilling; and includes a place to record the student’s Alt PIN, whether they have any holds, and other relevant registration notes.

Link to PDF Advising Worksheet Fall
Link to PDF Advising Worksheet Spring
Link to Word Doc Advising Worksheet Fall 
Link to Word Doc Advising Worksheet Spring
Link to Google Doc Advising Worksheet Fall (make copy to use or copy/paste formatting)
Link to Google Doc Advising Worksheet Spring


ii. Course Blocks

The links below illustrate the most recent course blocks for the college (updated 2019-20). These outline times dedicated to courses, collaborative time, community time, etc.

3-Week Schedule - Spring
14-Week Schedule - Undergraduate
14-Week Schedule - Graduate 


iii.  Registration Information (dates, schedules, major/advisor changes, forms)

The Registrar’s office has information on the Guilford website and with links to relevant info for this registration period as it becomes available. For your convenience, here’s some general information about Registration:

Registration typically lasts for a week (March/April for fall and October/November for spring).
Registration begins at a specified time for groups based on earned credit hours.  To encourage timely registration, each group’s advising window will be open for a specified time then closed to allow students in other cohorts to register.  After all cohorts have had their window,  registration is open for all eligible students through the add/drop period in the upcoming semester.  (NOTE:  the total number of credits listed on the degree evaluation in BannerWeb includes the current semester and, because those credits have not yet been earned, they are not used to calculate a student’s current class level for registration times): 
First to register:  Seniors (current earned credits 88 or greater OR students who have already earned a college degree)
Second to register: Juniors (current earned credits 56 to 87)
Third to register: Sophomore (current earned credits 24 to 55)
Last to register: First-Year (current earned credits less than 24)
**************All holds must be cleared before students can register.

Times refer to online registration system availability. Help using the system is available from the Registrar’s Office weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  (call x2121); technical assistance is available from the Help Desk at x2020.

You can access the class schedule on BannerWeb at this link and using Course Finder at this link

Second-Year and above students who want to change or add a major/minor/advisor can do so at any time on BannerWeb. First-Year students must consult with their CAPE Advisor to process a change. These changes will not go into effect until either the next upcoming registration period OR the next upcoming add/drop deadline. 

Additional resources for advising can be found on the the Registrar’s page for “Registrar Forms” (Overload, drop/add, gen ed subs, etc.)

NOTE:  The Student Accounts office is separate. 

iv.  Guilford College Academic Events Calendar

In addition to the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar, the following link shows the Google Calendar for the college’s academic events and deadlines:  

 Academic Events Google Calendar

For planning purposes, various offices use the Guilford One Calendar: Events.

v. Stellic Info

Stellic is an academic advising software and is also our technology which aids our student success through alerts, messaging, and appointment scheduling. Stellic allows us to keep track of student success (grades, progress, etc.), log student concerns (keep notes on students/appointments, raise concerns/make referrals, etc.), communicate with students, and schedule meetings (appointments, drop-ins).   All faculty are expected to complete requested progress reports and are encouraged to utilize the various functions of the platform.

The following is a resource guide to using Stellic for issues relevant to advising (click the links to see a quick guide on the topic): 

Stellic Website Link:



Attendance Progress Reports

Coordinated Care & Advising Quick Guides 

​Special Population Support

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, concerns, or positive/negative feedback directly by email at arencl@guilford.edu, or anonymously via an anonymous question/comment form.

vi. Course Finder

Course Finder is a tool to allow robust course searches based on course information, curricular attributes, instructor information, session, location, and much more.  Use your single sign on information to login (prefix for Guilford email and password).

vii. Adviser Dashboard

Advisor Dashboard (login to Course Finder here or on Faculty/Staff Resource Page) using your single sign on information to login (prefix for Guilford email and password). 

Advisor Dashboard is a tool to allow advisers to access student information for their advisees collectively and through individual records. Importantly, the Adviser Dashboard gives primary advisors access to the Alt PINs for their advisees. (See Alt PIN section below for more information). The Adviser Dashboard also displays current registration hold information. 

To begin, click on "Root" in the upper left corner of Course Finder and choose the "Advising" folder. 

viii. Banner Info

Please see below for instructions on various aspects of BannerWeb that you use as an advisor (click the links for the “how-to” guide): 

  1. Advisor Menu
    1. “Term Selection”
      1. Be sure to select the correct term! BannerWeb will prompt you if you do not go to Term Selection first.
    2. “ID Selection”
      1. View resources for a specific student after putting in their ID.
    3. “Display Advisees”
      1. View all advisees and navigate to relevant resources from there.
    4. “Advisee Grade Summary”
      1. View all grades for all advisees at once.
  2. Student View of Banner
    1. Dropping a Course
    2. Running a Degree Evaluation
    3. Searching/Registering for Courses
      1. Course search and adding/dropping courses
      2. Looking up classes
    4. Using a Degree Map
    5. Viewing / Clearing Holds
    6. Viewing Grades
    7. Viewing Student Information
    8. Viewing Unofficial Transcripts

ix. Alt PINs

All students are assigned an Alternative PIN for registration each semester. They must enter their PIN when adding/dropping courses when their registration period opens. These PINs are assigned by the Registrar’s office shortly before the registration period begins. Students do not have access to their PINs--their primary advisors do. Advisors give out PIN numbers usually following an appointment or discussion regarding course planning for the upcoming registration period.  Tying the Alt PIN to academic advising helps ensure they students are taking classes that meet requirements and selecting appropriate electives to progress towards graduation appropriately.

Alt PINs are located on the left hand column of the Adviser Dashboard.  It can also be found in the “Display Advisees” list in BannerWeb. Alt PINs are unique for each term, so be sure you are viewing in the correct term in BannerWeb. Alt PINs can be given to students verbally, on their advising worksheet, via email, etc.

ALT PINs should only be provided to students after they have been academically advised.  ALT PINs should not be issued to students who say they “know what they need to take” without first reviewing their requirements and planned classes.  While it is expected that all students receive academic advising before receiving their ALT PIN, academic advising sessions are crucially important for students new to the college, whether they are first-year students, upperclass transfers, and students nearing their graduation semester.

x. 4-Year Course Planner

The following is a 4-year planning document that can be used to forecast a list of courses leading up to a student's graduation term. This can be used in conjunction with the Degree Maps for each major also provided in this Advising Manual in section II.iii. 
Link to 4-Year Course Planner (make copy to use or copy/paste formatting)

xi. Course descriptions of special topics, HPs, etc.

Each semester a new list of Special Topics, Historical Perspectives, and other courses must be generated because they do not have readily available descriptions and information in the catalog.  This list is typically compiled by the Provost’s office.   

The linked folder has Special Topics and HP course descriptions by semester:

Special Topics Course Descriptions Folder


xii. Athletics Practice Schedules

Guilford College student athletes have varying practice and game schedules every semester that may affect their course planning. It is an NCAA rule that a student cannot miss a class to attend a practice.  Athletic teams schedule practices around class schedules but, generally speaking, earlier classes make it easier when it comes to away game departures. Here is a list of the sports actively in season in fall and spring semesters.

For more information about Guilford Athletics, visit guilfordquakers.com


xiii. Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration’s Office Operations

Through the Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration Help Desk  student workers happily assist students (or others) in the following ways:

  • Answer questions about Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration or academic and career services, or refer you to a CAPE Advisor or other campus resource
  • Help students with using Navigate and scheduling an appointment with a CAPE Advisor
  • Help students with navigating Banner for course search, Degree Evaluation, or other academic services
  • Help students with navigating the Undergraduate Catalog and Degree Maps for course planning and degree information
  • Looking over and giving feedback on resumes and/or cover letters for students
  • Assist students in using our career services platform, Handshake, and referring them to other career services or a CAPE Advisor

We encourage you to refer students to our help desk for these matters, and of course visit the desk yourself if you need immediate questions or assistance with anything!