I. Overview

i. Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration (CAPE)

Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration (CAPE)  is Guilford’s centralized advising center that offers holistic advising for all students. An integrated academic and career advising program, Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration is staffed by professional advisors called CAPE Advisors. Before students begin their first semester, they are assigned a CAPE Advisor to serve as their primary advisor for their first year or until they declare a major.  The CAPE Advisor serves as a resource to support exploration of purpose, planning and building a success team, goal setting, and working towards attainment of academic and career goals.  Even after a student switches to a faculty advisor at the end of their first year (or when they declare their major), the CAPE Advisor remains a part of their success team for all four years. Initial advisor assignments are determined by the student’s Reflection Seminar I section. 

Students who enter the college with dual enrollment credits from high school are considered first-time, first-year students and begin the IE sequence with First Year Seminar.

Transfer students who come to Guilford with over 24 credits and are not first-time, first-year students can choose to take First Year Seminar, but are eligible to begin the IE sequence in Junior Seminar. 

Career, Academic, and Personal Exploration offers services in:

  • Academic Advising
    • Course Registration
    • Connections to experiential learning opportunities
    • SAP support for students during appeals
  • Career Development Advising 
    • Coaching for graduate school/job preparation
    • Guidance with job searches, cover letters, and resumes
    • Access to internship opportunities
    • Access to job shadowing opportunities
  • Holistic Support
    • Exploration of strengths, interests, majors, and careers
    • Connections with faculty and staff across campus
    • Connections with alumni and community partners
    • Wellness and self-care

​The Quaker Career plan provides guidance for students and their advisors about developmental steps they can take to be prepared for their academic and co-curricular journey to enhance their preparedness for graduation and beyond.

The Quaker Career Plan is designed to meet students where they are and help them get where they want to go personally and professionally.  They will engage at different points in an ongoing developmental process.