Weather Emergency Policy

The following summarizes Guilford College’s response in the event of a weather emergency:

Decision Process

In the event of a weather emergency, the College ordinarily will make a delay/closing/class cancellation announcement by 9pm for the following day or by 6am the day of the emergency. However, developing weather conditions may require that the decision and announcement be made later than 6am. If the College is closed, only essential personnel in open departments need to report to work. If inclement weather exists in late morning or early afternoon, the College ordinarily will make a closing/cancellation announcement for afternoon and/or evening classes by 3pm.


In the event of a weather emergency, once a decision to delay opening or close the College and delay or cancel classes has been made, the College will:

  • send a text alert to every phone number listed in Regroup, the emergency notification system
  • alert the commercial media
  • post an announcement on the front of the College’s website
  • post an announcement on the College’s main Facebook page and Twitter feed

Updating Emergency Information

Emergency contact information is pulled from the College data system according to the information provided by students at the beginning of the school year. To update student emergency contact information, or to add a student to the emergency contact notification system, contact