Point System & Sanctions

Student Conduct Point System

Guilford College uses a point system as one component of sanctions for violations of the student code of conduct. The intent of this system is to address violations that affect individuals and/or the Guilford community, as well as create a clear measure against which students may choose to evaluate their behavioral choices and student conduct standing. 

All violations are assigned a range of points, as outlined in the table below. When a student is found responsible for a violation, points are assigned as a sanction within said range and dependent on the seriousness of the violation. Multiple violations, whether related to the same incident or different incidents, will result in the accumulation of multiple points. For example, a student who has consumed alcohol while underage and refused to turn over their ID or give their name to a staff member would accumulate points for both the underage possession / use violation and the failure to comply violation, whether both violations occurred during the one incident or separate incidents. Additional sanctions will be assigned which will be designed to address issues and impact and provide support for the student, see Sanctioning section below.

Points Details
  • A cap of 10 points is permitted for each student. If a student has been found responsible for a violation that puts them at or over the 10-point limit, they will likely be suspended or dismissed. 
  • For each semester a student is enrolled and has not been found responsible for any violations and sanctioned points, two (2) points will be removed from the cumulative point total of that particular student until the total of 0 (zero) is reached. For example, if a student has eight (8) points, it would take four consecutive semesters of no additional points to return to 0 (zero) points. Points are not deducted for violation-free semesters that the student is not enrolled for the full term.
  • Where an accumulation of points could potentially lead to suspension or dismissal, the case will be heard through an administrative hearing.
  • Students suspended due to accumulation of student conduct points and who are readmitted to Guilford may return with a prescribed amount of points assigned by the Readmission Advisory Group.

Violations and Associated Point Ranges

Violation (see descriptions in handbook) Points
Abuse/Bullying 2-5
Aggressive Behavior 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Appropriate Use of Information and Technology Resources 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Bias-Motivated Incident 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Disorderly Assembly 1-5
Disruptive Conduct 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Endangering Health and/or Safety 1-5
Failure to Comply $50 fine, 1-5
Falsification of Information 1-5 (2-10 for Falsification of Information on Student Admission/Readmission Materials; Suspension or Dismissal)
Fire Safety $25-$500 fine, 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Harassment 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Hazing 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Host Responsibility 1-2
Littering 1
Local, State, and Federal Laws 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Misuse of ID 1
Noise 1
Other College Policies 1-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Other Residence Hall Policies & Procedures 1-5
Pet Policy $200 fine, 1-2
Property Damage Damage amount, 2- 8
Sexual Misconduct and Gender-Based Harassment or Discrimination 3-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Smoking $25 fine, 1-2
Substance Use: Alcohol, Abusive Use/Misconduct 1-3
Substance Use: Alcohol, Common Containers 1
Substance Use: Alcohol, Drinking Games 1-2
Substance Use: Alcohol, Public Display/Unconcealed 1
Substance Use: Alcohol, Purchase of Alcohol w/funds 2
Substance Use: Alcohol, Underage Use/Possession 1-2
Substance Use: Drug, Dealing/Distributing 10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Substance Use: Drug, Possession/Use/Paraphernalia*** 2-7 (2-7 for first violation; 5-7 for second violation)
Substance Use: Drug, Abusive Use/Misconduct Under the Influence*** 1-3
Theft 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)
Unauthorized Entry, Use or Possession 1-2
Weapons 2-10 (Suspension or Dismissal)

***A second drug violation of possession/use/paraphernalia and/or abusive use / misconduct under the influence in a single academic year (Fall to Spring or Spring to Fall) may result in suspension regardless of the number of accrued points, student academic year, or time in the semester.


When a student is found responsible for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, they may be assigned sanctions in addition to student conduct points which are consequential requirements meant to address the violation, incident and impact and provide support for the student. While the finding of responsibility is determined only based on a preponderance of evidence, the sanctioning takes into consideration a number of additional factors including:

  • the actual violation for which the student was found responsible
  • who was impacted by the student's choices/actions and what might need to happen to repair any harm done
  • what kinds of support the student might benefit from at that point in their time at Guilford
  • advancing the student’s education or encouraging reflection
  • providing an opportunity to give something back to the community in the form of service
  • addressing any substance use
  • any previous and/or repeated violations
  • any previously assigned sanctions

Sanctions sometimes require action on the student's part and sometimes do not. Students are responsible for the full and timely completion of any assigned sanctions which require action on their part. Incomplete/overdue sanctions may result in a "judicial hold" being placed on the student's account, which will interfere with actions such as course registration, housing check-in, graduation, and obtaining transcripts.

What follows is an outline of typical examples of sanctions, in addition to student conduct points, according to cumulative points however it is not binding nor exclusive.

  • 1-3 cumulative points: educational or reflective activity; S.U.R.E. (Substance Use Reflection & Education program) and fine for substance violations ($25 for first, $50 for second, $75 for third and subsequent); fines as indicated by the violation; coach notification; parental/guardian notification; 3 hours of community service. 
  • 4-6 cumulative points: educational or reflective activity; S.U.R.E. (Substance Use Reflection & Education program) and fine for substance violations ($25 for first, $50 for second, $75 for third and subsequent); fines as indicated by the violation; coach notification; parent/guardian notification; 5 hours of community service; followup meetings with campus resources or support services.
  • 7-9 cumulative points:  educational or reflective activity; S.U.R.E. (Substance Use Reflection & Education program) and fine for substance violations ($25 for first, $50 for second, $75 for third and subsequent); fines as indicated by the violation; coach notification; parent/guardian notification; 10 hours of community service; followup meetings with campus resources or support services; behavioral contract; possible revocation of athletic team membership or other student involvement privileges or study abroad opportunities.
  • 10 or more cumulative points: disciplinary suspension or dismissal is likely.

Any student conduct charges that are unresolved at the point of a student's graduation (including those falling under Title IX), may potentially result in the delay of degree conferral.

NOTE: If a charge/incident is directly related to academic coursework, there may be additional academic sanctions as determined by the Academic Dean's Office.

Disciplinary Suspension and Dismissal

Disciplinary suspension or dismissal may be a resulting outcome of the student conduct process for one serious violation or a series of collected violations. These sanctions will be considered when:

  • A student meets or exceeds 10 cumulative student conduct points.
  • A student is found responsible for a second drug violation within one academic year (fall-to-spring or spring-to-fall), regardless of points.

Student is removed from Guilford College for a specified length of time. When a student is suspended, they are given no more than 24 hours to remove themselves and their belongings from campus housing and take care of financial and academic matters. Any student suspended is banned from the campus and College events until the term that they have been readmitted and reenroll.

The suspended student has the option to apply for readmission following the suspension period, for a future term or later as specified in the conduct outcome notification. Upon applying for readmission, the student will be asked to share about their time away from Guilford and demonstrate their ability to return as a student and remain in good standing; supporting documentation may be requested. The information about the process and expectations are outlined on the Readmission page of the College Catalog. Readmission and/or merit aid is not assumed nor guaranteed, and readmission may be conditional. 


Student is removed from Guilford College permanently. Any student dismissed for disciplinary reasons does not have the option to apply for readmission and is banned from the campus and College events indefinitely. Student is banned from campus and College events indefinitely.

Interim Suspension

In certain circumstances where there is an alleged or perceived direct threat to self or others, the Dean of Students or designee may impose a College or on-campus housing interim suspension prior to any formal student conduct proceedings.

Interim suspension may be imposed only:

  • To ensure the safety and well-being of the College College community and its members; 
  • If the student poses a direct threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of the College.

During interim suspension, the student shall be denied access to campus spaces, activities, classes, and/or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students or their designee.