The Student Conduct Appeals Process

This appeals process does not apply to Title IX cases; for Title IX, please refer to the Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures.  This appeals process also does not apply to academic dishonesty cases.; for those cases, please refer to Academic Rights and Responsibilities.

To ensure a fair student conduct process, an appellate system exists with strict guidelines for grounds of appeal and available outcomes of the appeal. Regardless of the method of original adjudication, the student conduct appeals process is as follows. Students who are considering lodging an appeal are encouraged to review all information below in detail.

The Process of Appeal

Assuming that grounds for appeal are believed present, the student must follow this procedure to appeal a student conduct outcome and/or sanction.

  1. The student has five (5) days total (including weekends and holidays) to submit, in writing, their appeal to the appropriate appellate body (see  below). The student must address their grounds for appeal (see below) with supporting information/documentation. Submitted appeals which do not directly address grounds for appeal and/or do not provide supporting information/documentation directly related to the grounds for appeal will be determined to have no merit and will not be considered.
  2. The appellate body will review the appeal in detail and consider all available and relevant information.
  3. The appellate body will respond within five (5) working days (excluding weekends and College holidays). The appellate body's response will include their decision or, only if warranted, they may contact the student seeking information or clarification.
  4. The decision of the appellate body will be sent in writing/email and is final and not subject to further appeal.

Grounds for an Appeal

For an outcome or sanction to merit appeal, one or more of the following criteria or grounds for appeal must be met and demonstrated by the student:

  • A procedural irregularity so substantial as to deny the student a fair hearing.
  • New evidence that could not have been known or presented at the time of the original hearing that is so substantial as to have likely altered the outcome of the original hearing.
  • Disproportionate sanctioning for the violation in question.

Appellate Bodies

The appellate body is the person(s) responsible for review of the student's submitted appeal and all available relevant information, and determining the outcome of the appeal based on the Options Available to the Appellate Body outlined below. The Dean of Students, or their designee, serves as the appellate body for all student conduct cases except in cases of disciplinary dismissal for which the Provost serves as the appellate body.

Options Available to the Appellate Body

Based on the merit and grounds of the submitted appeal, the appellate body must determine the outcome of the appeal which can only be the following:

  • Affirm the outcome.
  • Alter or reduce the original sanction. This will be done only if the appellate body finds that the sanction was grossly disproportionate to the offense and its standard, recommended sanction.
  • Remand the case back to the original hearing body. This is done only in the case of serious procedural error or new evidence that is so significant that the decision of the original hearing body would have likely been different.