iv. Advising and the Curriculum

The chart above represents our team-based advising model, which includes community members in both official and unofficial  capacities.  The official members of a student’s success team appear on their Stellic profile page.  

When first-year students enter in the fall, they are assigned a CAPE Advisor as their primary advisor for the first two semesters.  Students will also work with a Peer Mentor in their First Year Seminar course in the fall semester.  During the spring of their first year, students are connected with a faculty advisor if they are ready to declare a major. Those students transition to the faculty advisor after the summer of their first year. If they have not declared a major, the CAPE advisor continues to serve as the primary academic advisor. All students transition to a faculty advisor by the end of their 4th semester. During all four years, students are engaged with discernment, goal-setting, and action in their post-Guilford career preparation.  This preparation and development happens in Integrative Experience classes, during advising sessions, and through CAPE and campus-wide programming.  During their time at Guilford, students will encounter alumni and community members that contribute to their academic experience, career preparation, and personal pursuit of success.

Before arriving on campus students can connect with the CAPE staff.  In year one they will work with their CAPE advisor and in their courses to reflect on their past experiences, identify life goals, and begin degree planning. Year two is a time of discovery when students are encouraged to explore courses of interest, expand their co-curricular involvement, learn about professional career possibilities and solidify academic plans. In year three they will reflect on their learning in curricular and co-curricular areas in Junior Seminar and build connections and networks that support their longer-term goals. In year four students activate their academics and experience to launch their final coursework, Senior Seminar, Contribution project, and post graduation plans.