Student Grievance Policy

Student Complaints

Guilford College defines a student complaint as a written request for the resolution of a problem, conflict, concern or issue that negatively impacts a student(s).

The College has provided avenues for addressing student complaints in the following areas as addressed in applicable sections of the Guilford College Student Handbook or Guilford College Catalog:

  • Access to Student Records
  • Grade Appeals
  • Honor Code Violations
  • Parking Violations
  • Student Conduct Policies or Procedures
  • Discrimination

Student complaints that do not fall into the above categories should be addressed to the Associate Academic Dean for issues related to the Academic Program and to the Dean of Students for all other concerns covered by the grievance procedure outlined below.

Student Grievances shall be presented and advanced as follows:

Step 1

To file a formal grievance and to generate a College response, the grievance must be made in writing. A written grievance should name the specific nature of the grievance, cite relevant facts and propose a solution that would be satisfactory to the student. Written grievances should be made to the appropriate administrator within thirty (30) days of the issue/event generating the grievance.

Step 2

A student shall submit a grievance to the Associate Academic Dean if it is academic or faculty related or the Dean of Students for grievances outside of the classroom. A grievance must be brought within thirty (30) days from the act causing the grievance unless a longer period of time is provided by law or written agreement. The appropriate party shall reach a decision and communicate it in writing to the student within 10 class days of their receipt of the written grievance. Every effort should be made to settle grievances at this stage. If the grievance is against the Associate Academic Dean or the Dean of Students, the student may begin the grievance with the Provost.

Step 3

If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of both parties at step two, the student shall forward a written grievance to the Provost within five (5) class days from the date that the College responded in writing to the student's original grievance. The Provost shall make a written reply to the student's grievance within 10 class days. 

Step 4

If the grievance is not resolved at step three, the Provost may hold a conference with all the parties concerned. Within 10 class days of the conference, the Provost shall notify the student, Associate Academic Dean or the Dean of Students, and President of the decision in writing. Students are encouraged to exhaust other alternative dispute resolution procedures, including conflict resolution and mediation, prior to setting in motion the procedures that involve establishing a grievance committee. However, this is not a requirement of the policy.

Step 5

If the grievance is not settled at Step 4, a Grievance Committee will be established to consider and resolve the issue. A Grievance Committee is an ad hoc committee chosen to hear just one case. A Grievance Committee will be an appointed committee of three regular members and an alternate. The committee will be chosen by the President and will not include faculty, staff or students who have been a part of the grievance process for the grievance at issue. The committee will include one faculty member, one staff member and one student. All members of the Grievance Committee must not be directly responsible for the department from which the cause of the grievance originated. The Grievance Committee will consider the written grievance, all written responses to the grievance, any other relevant materials, and will interview the persons directly involved in the grievance. The committee will immediately seek to mediate and to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of those directly involved. The committee will report its findings within 20 business days of appointment. If mediation fails, the matter will be reported to the President. All relevant materials and a brief report by the Grievance Committee of its efforts to resolve the issue will be forwarded to the President. The President shall determine and set forth the College's position and any requisite action with respect to the grievance. The President will respond, in writing, to those directly involved within 10 business days of receipt of the grievance from the chairperson of the grievance committee. The president's decision shall be final.

Step 6

Any disposition, which is not appealed by the student within the time allowed at each level, shall be considered settled and binding on the student and the institution. At any level, the student and the Associate Academic Dean or the Dean of Students may agree, in writing, that additional time is required after the grievance has been filed. A copy of this agreement must go to the Provost.

Consumer Protection Division Information

To file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Justice, please visit the State Attorney General’s web page at: North Carolina residents may call (877) 566-7226. Outside of North Carolina, please call (919) 716-6000. En Espanol (919) 716-0058.

If you choose to mail a complaint, please use the following address:

Consumer Protection Division
Attorney General's Office
Mail Service Center 9001
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001