
Cynthia Nearman, Department of English and Creative Writing

The English minor involves principally the study of literature, a form of art through which humankind has constantly struggled to express verbally the central concerns of the human condition as understood in each age. English minors at Guilford study the literatures of the English-speaking world, primarily focusing on traditional and non-traditional American and British writers. Courses in literatures in translation are also offered..

The minor in English is not available to English and Media Studies majors.


Minor Requirements

The minor requires a minimum of four courses (16-18 credit hours)

ENGL 200Introduction to Literary Studies4
Select one of the following:4
British Literature I
British Literature II
American Literature Survey I
American Literature Survey II
African American Literature
World Literature
Select two courses (300- or 400-level literature) from the following:8
Medieval Literature
Early Modern Literature
British Romantic Literature
Victorian Literature
Black Women Writers
Black Men Writers
African Women Writers
American Romanticism
Modern Poetry
Contemporary Fiction
Senior Seminar
Gay, Lesbian, Queer Studies
Total Credits16

Total credit hours required for English minor is 16-18 credits

Note: The department will periodically add courses to the above lists. Please check with the minor coordinator.