Voluntary Withdrawal

Regular Withdrawal

All students who wish to withdraw from the College during a semester or at the end of a semester must indicate their intentions through completion of an official withdrawal form. Withdrawal forms can be obtained through the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, email studentaffairs@guilford.edu. All students who withdraw must complete and submit applications for readmission if they wish to re-enroll. Applications for Readmission are available on the Admissions page of the Guilford College website under “Apply,” then the “Returning Students” link. If an official withdrawal form is not completed, it could result in “F” grades and may impact satisfactory academic progress.

Medical Withdrawal

When illness, injury, or psychological/psychiatric disorders occur while enrolled, a student or guardian may pursue a medical withdrawal from school, to be requested no later than the last day of classes. The associate dean of students must approve all medical withdrawals. Documentation of the illness, injury, or psychological/psychiatric disorder from a medical professional (employed by Guilford College or not) is required prior to this approval. Requests for a medical withdrawal from the current semester must be submitted before the last day of classes. Students who are granted medical withdrawals receive grades of W in all courses in progress at the date of the medical withdrawal with the exception of students sanctioned for honor code violations. Specific conditions for re-admittance are stipulated at the time of withdrawal. These conditions may specify a minimum period of time for the withdrawal and/or may require a letter of medical clearance from a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist stating that upon return, in the professional expert’s opinion the student is now capable of handling the academic and social demands of college.

Leave of Absence

A student in good academic and financial standing may apply for a leave of absence for one or two semesters. A leave of absence may be approved for students with financial, personal or medical concerns, students participating in non-Guilford educational experiences, and students who need a break. Students considering this option need to meet with a member of the Office of Academic and Student Affairs who will provide full details and assist in working out specific arrangements related to the leave. All students who withdraw must complete and submit applications for readmission if they wish to re-enroll.

Procedures for Involuntary/Administrative Withdrawal for Students with Medical, Mental/Psychological Conditions or Disabilities

If it becomes evident (through observed behavior or by report(s) from faculty, staff or students) that a withdrawal from the College may be in the best interest of a student and the College, and the student (and/or his or her family) does not agree, then the following procedures will be engaged:

The dean of students will review all available information obtained from incident reports, conversations with students, faculty and staff, and the expert opinions of appropriate medical professionals.

The dean of students will engage in a determination on an individualized, case-by-case basis and will apply the direct threat analysis, taking into consideration the nature, duration and severity of the risk and the likelihood, imminence and nature of the future harmful conduct, either to the student or to others in the College community.

The dean of students will meet with the student (if possible), giving notice to the student of the meeting and providing an opportunity for the student (and his/her family if the student has a signed waiver indicating permission to share information) to provide evidence to the contrary and/or to make suggestions for reasonable accommodation(s) short of involuntary withdrawal from the College.

If, after conversation, the student chooses to withdraw voluntarily, a Withdrawal Form will be processed indicating that the withdrawal is voluntary and of a medical nature and setting appropriate conditions for the student’s return.

If, after conversation, the student maintains that s/he would like to remain enrolled, the dean of students will consult with appropriate medical professionals regarding the evidence presented by the student. (Failure by the student to sign the Consent to Share Information form so that medical/clinical professionals may be consulted will result in the involuntary withdrawal from the College as the College will have insufficient evidence to render an individualized determination.) The dean will also consult with other College officials as appropriate.

The dean of students will render a decision and present that decision to the student in writing. Should the decision be to withdraw the student involuntarily, appropriate conditions for return will be contained within the withdrawal letter. The College will not as a condition of return mandate that self-injurious behavior ceases unless that behavior continues to constitute a direct threat to the student or others. The College will require, as a condition for return, a signed release by the student for the dean of students and appropriate College officials to discuss the student’s readiness to return to College and assistance in developing reasonable accommodation(s) to mitigate any direct threat to self or others.

Should the student choose to appeal the dean of student’s decision, s/he will make such appeal to the president, who will render a final decision.

Vacating Residence Halls

Vacating Residence Halls. Students residing on-campus who withdraw or take a leave of absence from the College are required to vacate residence halls within 24 hours of their effective date of withdrawal. They are responsible for contacting Residential Education & Housing to make arrangements to check out and return keys.