Admission Procedures

Criteria for Selection

The Admission Committee reviews each application individually, with consideration given to all aspects of an applicant’s record, keeping in mind the admission objectives set out above. Once admitted and after the first day of classes, a student is not eligible to change their admission type until the following semester.

Academic Record

The Admission Committee examines an applicant’s past scholastic achievement, as demonstrated by course selection, grades, class rank and other presented materials. There is no specific number or pattern of units required for entrance to Guilford. The College is primarily interested in the quality of a student’s overall academic performance. However, to be better prepared for academic success in Guilford’s liberal arts curriculum, a student should include among the 16 high school units at least 14 academic units (four units in English, three in mathematics, three or four in natural sciences, two in social sciences and two to six in a foreign language). In the evaluation of applications, the Office of Admission will use the unweighted high school grade-point average using core high school courses (English, mathematics, natural and social sciences, and foreign languages). This grade-point average will be utilized for evaluation.

In addition to their coursework in high school, prospective students are urged to read widely outside of class to broaden their general background and acquaintance with contemporary issues. Students also are encouraged to increase their competence in writing and to develop the ability to express ideas accurately.

Entrance Tests/Standardized Test Optional Plan

To assist the Admission Committee in evaluating a prospective student’s academic potential, each applicant is expected to either take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I) administered by the College Entrance Examination Board or the test of the American College Testing Program (ACT) and have scores sent directly to the College, or submit a portfolio of written work in lieu of standardized test scores.

Guilford is an SAT/ACT-optional institution. For students who feel their standardized test scores, such as the SAT or ACT, do not provide an accurate indication of their ability to be successful in college, we provide the option to submit an essay to replace the standardized test scores. The essay prompt can be found at

Personal Characteristics

Personal characteristics are evaluated through recommendation forms and an interview, preferably on campus. Guilford encourages students to visit, have an interview with an admission officer, talk with different members of the College community, and become familiar with the campus. Personal contact also lets the admission staff become better acquainted with an applicant. Arrangements for a personal interview and a campus visit may be made by calling the Office of Admission. Call 336.316.2100 or 800.992.7759 to arrange a campus visit.

Other Materials

Applicants should submit information concerning unusual circumstances, achievements or abilities that may be relevant to the process.