General Studies (GST)

GST 107.  2.  

Explores complex social issues related to community service. Students volunteer weekly at sites in the Greensboro community and connect their service, academic, and personal development via electronic portfolios. The course also serves as an orientation to the Bonner Scholars program; enrollment is limited to new Bonner Scholars. CR/NC.

GST 110.  Quantitative Literacy.  2.  

This course covers quantitative reasoning and provides a general overview of quantitative methods, applied arithmetic, geometry and graphics, and algebra. Enrollment is limited to students who have not satisfied the quantitative literacy requirement. CR/NC. Fulfills quantitative literacy requirement.

GST 121.  Mentor Program.  1.  

This course assists first-year and transfer students in their adjustment to college life and provides each with a mentor for the first semester. Topics include, among others: management of time and stress, building relationships, preparing for exams, diversity, and selecting a major. CR/NC.

GST 125.  1-2.  

1. A preparatory program for all student leaders. Students will explore different definitions and styles of leadership, diversity, and basic helping/communication skills and apply these concepts to future leadership roles. CR/NC.

GST 150.  17.  

May also be offered at the 250, 350 and 450 levels.

GST 260.  Independent Study.  1-8.  

May also be offered at 360 and 460 levels.