Spanish (SPAN)

Course Descriptions (Per Subject)

SPAN 101.  Communicating in Spanish I.  4. 
Basic building blocks of grammar, emphasis on oral communication and culture. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 101 and SPAN 111. Fulfills foreign language requirement (1998). Modern language 101 requirement (2019).

SPAN 102.  Communicating in Spanish II.  4. 
Continuation of Spanish I with more emphasis on grammar and developing writing skills. Emphasis still on oral communication and culture.
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or placement. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 102 and SPAN 112. Fulfills foreign language requirement (1998). Modern language 102 requirement (2019).

SPAN 111.  Communicating in Spanish for Business I.  4. 
Basic building blocks of grammar, emphasis on oral communication and culture. Special emphasis on vocabulary for the workplace. For CE students only. Fulfills foreign language requirement. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 101 and SPAN 111.

SPAN 112.  Communicating in Spanish for Business II.  4. 
Continuation of SPAN 111. Basic building blocks of grammar, emphasis on oral communication and culture, particularly as they relate to the workplace in various settings such as business, health, travel and social services. For CE students only. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 102 and SPAN 112.
Prerequisite: SPAN 111 or SPAN 101. Fulfills modern language requirement.

SPAN 150.  Special Topics.  1-8. 
May also be offered at 250, 350 and 450 levels.

SPAN 201.  Intermediate Spanish.  4. 
Introduction of more advanced aspects of Spanish grammar and vocabulary in addition to continued speaking and comprehension, increased emphasis on reading and writing in Spanish using culture-oriented material. Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 201 and SPAN 211.
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or placement.

SPAN 202.  Intermediate Conversation and Composition.  4. 
Thorough review of Spanish grammar as needed, intensive work on oral and written expression on a variety of topics and exposure to a wide range of cultural texts (from traditional literature to more recent media). Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 202 and SPAN 212.
Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or instructor permission.

SPAN 211.  Intermediate Spanish for Business I.  4.  
SPAN 211 parallels SPAN 201 (Intermediate Spanish) in its emphasis on learning and practicing more advanced elements of Spanish grammar, developing vocabulary as well as improving speaking and comprehension skills using culture-oriented materials related to the workplace and stressing practices in the Hispanic business world. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 201 and SPAN 211.
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or SPAN 112 or placement.

SPAN 212.  Intermediate Spanish for Business II.  4. 
Again, paralleling SPAN 202 (Intermediate Spanish Conversation/Composition) this course will review aspects of grammar learned in previous Spanish courses to help students attain greater proficiency in the use of Spanish structures. Class sessions will emphasize oral and speaking skills using a wide range of cultural texts related to the workplace. Class is conducted in Spanish. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 202 and SPAN 212.
Prerequisite: SPAN 211 or placement or instructor permission.

SPAN 221.  Advanced Spanish for Business.  4. 
In this course students will strengthen their communicative skills in Spanish for professions with an emphasis on business and increase their knowledge of the cultures of Spanish-speaking peoples. Class is conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 212.

SPAN 250.  Special Topics.  1-9.  

SPAN 260.  Independent Study.  1-8. 
May also be offered at 360 and 460 levels.

SPAN 290.  Internship.  1-8. 
May also be offered at the 390 level.

SPAN 301.  Advanced Grammar and Composition.  4. 
In this theoretical and practical course, students study Advanced Spanish grammar while reading more complex texts (including a full-length novel) and further developing their composition skills as well as their cultural knowledge. SPAN 301 is a bridge course that prepares students to succeed in upper-division courses. Course must be taken at Guilford College. Prerequisite: SPAN 202.

SPAN 310.  Contemporary Latin America.  4. 
Through multiple perspectives (economic, historical, political, social and religious), students will explore different themes relating to situations in contemporary Spanish America, utilizing art, literary texts and public speeches to illustrate these themes and to form connections between the various countries.
Prerequisite: SPAN 221 or SPAN 301. Fulfills intercultural requirement (1998). Sociocultural engagement requirement (2019). Alternate years.

SPAN 311.  Contemporary Spain.  4. 
This course will study the dramatic changes that have occurred in Spain since the death of Francisco Franco in 1975: the development of a democratic government, the social and economic challenges faced in Spain’s attempt to become one of the important players in the European Union and the positive and negative effects resulting from such a position.
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or instructor permission. Alternate years.

SPAN 320.  Culture and Society: Mexico, Central America and Caribbean.  4. 
Examination of the literature and culture against a historical background from the colonial period, with an emphasis on the 20th century.
Prerequisite: SPAN 221 or SPAN 301. Fulfills humanities and intercultural requirements (1998). Arts/humanities and sociocultural engagement requirements (2019).

SPAN 321.  Culture and Society: Golden Age of Spain.  4. 
Examination of the culture, literature and historical contexts of the 16th and 17th centuries in Spain.
Prerequisite: SPAN 221 or SPAN 301. Fulfills intercultural requirement (1998). Sociocultural engagement requirement (2019).

SPAN 322.  Culture and Society: South America.  4. 
Examination of the literature and culture against a historical background from the colonial period, with an emphasis on the 20th century.
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or instructor permission. Alternate years. Fulfills humanities and intercultural requirements (1998). Arts/humanities and sociocultural engagement requirements (2019).

SPAN 323.  Culture and Society: Beginnings of a Nation (The Integration of Three Cultures).  4. 
Examination of the culture, literature and historical contexts of Medieval Spain with an emphasis on the contributions of Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Prerequisite: SPAN 221 or SPAN 301. Fulfills humanities requirement (1998). Sociocultural engagement requirement (2019).

SPAN 340.  Film, Life and Literature of Latin America.  4. 
A view of Latin American culture, society and contemporary issues through film and literature. At times taught in English for IDS 400 credit. For Spanish credit, class meets one extra time and all work is done in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 and another SPAN 300-level course.

SPAN 342.  Latinx Culture in the U.S.  4. 
A study of a range of Latinx cultures in the United States through analysis of novels, poetry, memoirs, essays, films, and podcasts. The course begins by wrestling with the profusion of terms that attempt to pin down Latinx identity (Hispanic, Latino, Latin, Latino/a, Latinx, and, most recently, Latine). Other units of study include the U.S./Mexico border, exile, and generational differences. Taught in English for IDS 400 credit. For Spanish credit, class meets one extra time and all work is done in Spanish. Fulfills humanities requirement (1998). Sociocultural engagement and Arts/Humanities requirements (2019).

SPAN 350.  Special Topics.  1-9.  

SPAN 360.  Independent Study.  8.  

SPAN 390.  Internship.  1-8.  

SPAN 402.  Senior Seminar: Latin America.  4. 
Students will explore more advanced approaches to culture and literature and conduct research on a final paper. Possible topics: Indigeneity and Representation, The Latin American Novel.
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 and another SPAN 300-level course and Historical Perspectives. Fulfills humanities and intercultural requirements (1998). Arts/humanities and sociocultural engagement requirements (2019).

SPAN 403.  Senior Seminar: Spain.  4. 
Students will explore more advanced approaches to culture and literature and conduct research on a final paper. Possible topics: Social and Cultural Impact of the Spanish Civil War, Women in Spanish Literature and Film.
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 and a second 300-level course and Historical Perspectives. Fulfills humanities requirement (1998). Sociocultural engagement requirement (2019).

SPAN 450.  Special Topics.  1-8.  

SPAN 460.  Independent Study.  1-8.  

SPAN 470.  Senior Thesis.  1-8. 

SPAN 490.  Departmental Honors.  1-8.