Criminal Justice Major

Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice

The major requires a minimum of 44 credit hours (11 courses).

Core Courses 24
Inquiry into Criminal Justice
Ethics & Profs. in CJ
Research Methods
CJ Capstone Seminar
Select one course from the following:4
Criminal Procedure
Criminal Law
Law Enforcement and Police Roles
Punishment and Corrections
Courts and the Judicial Process
Select course from the following:4
Criminal Procedure
Law Enforcement and Police Roles
Punishment and Corrections
Fundamentals of Cyber Security (CTIS 221)
Conflict Transformation for Peacebuilding and Justice (PECS 236)
Special Topics (In Justice and Policy Studies)
Research Problems/Independent Study
Restorative Justice
Prisons in US and Norway (Study Away Course)
Interpersonal Communications (PSY 270)
Select three of the following courses:12
Criminal Justice Policy and Practice
Juvenile Justice & Delinquency
Policy in Action
Police & Communities
Wrongful Convictions
Capital Punishment
Family Violence
Trial Advocacy
Police Brutality & Culture
Criminal Investigation
Understanding Oppressive Systems
Special Topics (In Justice and Policy Studies)
Independent Study (In Justice and Policy Studies)
Special Topics (In Justice and Policy Studies)
Race, Society and Criminal Justice
Intermediate Conversation and Composition
Advanced Grammar and Composition
Total Credits44

Total credit hours required for B.S. degree in criminal justice is 44 credits.