Modern Language Studies Major: German/German Studies Tracks

German Track

1-4. Four German courses chosen from the following or their equivalents with the permission of the track coordinator
16 Credits Total16
Communicating in German II
Intermediate German I
Contemporary German Culture
German Youth Culture
German Composition
Culture and Society: The Weimar Republic
GERM 260, GERM 290, GERM 360, GERM 390, GERM 460, GERM 470, GERM 490 with departmental permission
5. GERM 202 Intermediate German II4
6. Select any GERM 300-level course4
GERM 360 or 390 with departmental permission
7. Any GERM 400-level course4
GERM 460 with departmental permission
8. MLS 210 Interdisciplinary Lang. Studies4
OR MLS 220 Exp/Immersive Lang. Studies
Total Credits32

Note: German track majors must study abroad in an approved Germanophone country. Courses taken abroad can count toward the minimum 32 credits.

Total credits required for A.B. degree in Modern Language Studies with German Track is 32 credits, although most students will earn more in the completion of the major. 

German Studies Track

1-3. Three German courses, chosen from the following or their equivalents with the permission of the track coordinator12
Communicating in German II
Intermediate German I
Contemporary German Culture
German Youth Culture
German Composition
Culture and Society: The Weimar Republic
4. GERM 202 Intermediate German II4
5. Any GERM 400-level course4
GERM 460 with departmental permission
6-7. Two courses in Guilford’s Munich semester program, taught in English8
8. MLS 210 Interdisciplinary Lang. Studies4
OR MLS 220 Exp/Immersive Lang. Studies
Total Credits32

Note:  German studies track majors must participate in Guilford’s Munich semester abroad program. Students can count up to two courses taught in English toward this track.

Total credits required for A.B. degree in Modern Language Studies with German Studies Track is 32 credits, although most students will earn more in the completion of the major.