Modern Language Studies Major: Spanish Track

1-3. Select Three Spanish courses, chosen from the following or their equivalents with the permission of the track coordinator
12 Credits Total12
Communicating in Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish
Intermediate Conversation and Composition
Contemporary Latin America
Contemporary Spain
Culture and Society: Mexico, Central America and Caribbean
Culture and Society: Golden Age of Spain
Culture and Society: South America
Culture and Society: Beginnings of a Nation (The Integration of Three Cultures)
Film, Life and Literature of Latin America
Latinx Cultures in the United States
Special Topics
Independent Study
4. SPAN 301 Advanced Grammar and Composition4
5. Select one of the following4
Contemporary Latin America
Culture and Society: Mexico, Central America and Caribbean
Culture and Society: South America
Film, Life and Literature of Latin America
6. Select one course from the following:4
Contemporary Spain
Culture and Society: Golden Age of Spain
Culture and Society: Beginnings of a Nation (The Integration of Three Cultures)
7. SPAN 390 Internship2
8. Any SPAN 400 level course taken senior year 4
Independent Study (with departmental permission)
9. MLS 210 Interdisciplinary Language Studies 4
OR MLS 220 Exp/Immersive Lang. Studies
Total = Minimum of 34 credits

Note: Spanish track majors must study abroad in an approved Hispanophone country. Courses taken abroad can count toward the minimum 34 credits.

Total credits required for A.B. degree in Modern Language Studies with Spanish Track is 34 credits, although most students will earn more in the completion of the major.