Modern Language Studies Major: French Track

Students may not declare a French major or minor at this time.  French classes will not be offered until further notice.

1-4. Four French courses, chosen from the following or their equivalencies with the permission of the track coordinator.
16 Credits Total16
Communicating in French II
Intermediate French I
Intermediate French II
Contemporary France
The Francophone World
French and Francophone Cinema
Literature and Culture: Period
Literature and Culture: Theme
Literature and Culture: Genre
5. FREN 220 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis4
6. Select Any FREN 300-level course4
FREN 360 or FREN 390 with departmental permission
7. FREN 400 Senior Seminar4
8. MLS 210 Interdisciplinary Lang. Studies 4
OR MLS 220 Exp/Immersive Lang. Studies
Total Credits32

NoteFrench track majors must study abroad in an approved Francophone country. Courses taken abroad can count toward the minimum 32 credits. The department recommends that French majors take at least one course on Francophone Africa or the Caribbean.

Total credits required for A.B. degree in Modern Language Studies with French Track is 32 credits, although most students will earn more in the completion of the major.