Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Course Descriptions (Per Subject)

MBA 500.  MBA Foundations.  2.  
This class provides an online introduction/refresher to the core professional components of 
atypical undergraduate business degree and a review of APA citation methodology. It also 
assesses the base-level knowledge of program students. This course should be completed 
during or before the student’s first full term in the MBA program. With the completion of the 
course, learners will have demonstrated an undergraduate knowledge of the following topics: 
Accounting, Business Ethics, Business Finance, Business Integration (Strategy), Business 
Writing, Global Dimensions of Business, Information Management Systems, Legal 
Environment of Business, Marketing, Microeconomics, Organizational Behavior, Quantitate 
Methods. MBA students failing to achieve the minimum required score in a topical area may 
be compelled to demonstrate their foundational knowledge through the completion of an 
appropriate undergraduate course.
MBA 511.  Ethical Leadership.  4.  
This course explores the evolution and application of leadership concepts. Within this 
framework, the ethical implications of leader choices are explored. The class will also look 
at the legal and moral foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives. A project 
requiring the analysis of organizational leadership context(s) is a central element of the course.
MBA 520.  Marketing in a Digital Age.  4. 
This course investigates the complexities of marketing, both locally and globally, in the 
twenty-first century. Students will analyze real or realistic situations and develop appropriate 
marketing strategies. Ethical issues related to traditional and digital strategies are incorporated 
into the discussion of marketing concepts. Students are assumed to have completed the 
associated leveling module or have an undergraduate course in marketing.
MBA 530.  Corporate Finance.  4.  
The most important decision a firm makes is the investment in significant projects. In this 
course, we will examine this decision along with related topics of time value of money, risk 
and return, cost of capital, cash flow, financing decisions, and payout policy. We will also 
explore the ongoing management of the firm and projects using financial statement analysis 
and financial planning. The course will include a refresher about financial statements and 
the accounting equation.
MBA 540.  Business Economics.  4.  
This course provides students with an overview of microeconomic theory emphasizing how 
these principles influence organizational activities and outcomes. The course will also provide 
an overview of the statistical tools needed for organizational analysis. Students are assumed to 
have completed the associated leveling module or have an undergraduate course in economics
MBA 581.  International Entrepreneurship.  4.  
This course jointly introduces the concepts of international business and entrepreneurship. 
A significant portion of this course will support the development of an entrepreneurial 
initiative in a non-U.S. context.
MBA 600.  Business Strategy.  4.  
A firm’s success depends on successful strategic analysis, successful strategic decision making 
and planning, and successful implementation of the strategy. In this course we will examine 
these processes along with the related ethical and corporate social responsibility concerns. 
Students will integrate their knowledge from other MBA courses with the concepts in this 
MBA 601. Community Consulting. 4.
In this course, students work directly with an organization (profit or non-profit) to identify, 
research and propose a solution to a significant issue or need confronting the establishment. 
A detailed written report and professional presentation are required. The organizational 
problem addressed in this course must be distinct from the focus of the work in 
MBA 671 (Capstone Project). Students may not use their typically assigned job duties as the 
basis for the course project. The course instructor must approve the project. 
MBA 605.  Business and Ethics.  4.  
This is the program's "capstone" course. It guides students through the transition from 
manager to executive, laying an ethical groundwork to help leaders face organizational 
challenges. This course emphasizes a leader's most important duty, to establish a culture 
and climate of an organization that promotes its ethical values and norms.
MBA 671.  MBA Capstone Project.  2.  
The capstone project is the culminating experience for the MBA program. This course will 
integrate and apply previous learning to focus on a practical application within an existing 
operation or organization. Potential projects include a case study analysis, a marketing plan, 
a strategic plan, a change management plan, a governance plan, a sustainability plan, etc., 
for an organization. Completion of the course requires a significant written project report 
and presentation. The project should include global, analytical, quantitative, and 
ethical components. This course is typically taken concurrently with MBA 605.